My Child is Missing
Resources for Parents, Families and Guardians
If Your Child Runs Away or Goes Missing:
- Immediately contact your local law enforcement agency to file a missing persons report.
- There is no mandatory waiting period.
- Then contact the Polly Klaas Foundation.
Keep The Hope Alive!
This is your time of greatest need. We can provide concrete help:
- Professional caseworkers with over 40 years collective experience counsel you on ways to search for your child.
- Create a personalized missing child poster for your child.
- Post your child’s photo and poster on our website.
- Work directly with the police handling your childs case.
- Help you work with your community, law enforcement and the media.
- Alert the Polly Klaas Rapid Response Team consisting of thousands of volunteers across the country.
24/7 Hotline:
Talk to a live person: 800-587-4357
We’ve been helping parents find their children since 1993.

Additional Resources to Help with Your Search:
- Guidelines for Recovering Missing or Runaway Children
- Guidelines for Recovering Missing Children, including Family Abductions or Parental Abductions
- Parental Consent Form. Please sign and fax to the Polly Klaas Foundation at 707-769-4019.
- Guidelines for Flyer Creation and Distribution
- Flyer Template – One Child
- Flyer Template – Two Children