Resources for Lawmakers
What We Have Done
What We Are Doing
Our Offer To You
Who We Are
The Polly Klaas Foundation® (PKF) is dedicated to the safety of all children, the recovery of missing children, and public policies that keep children safe in their communities. To that end, PKF has worked for over 20 years with legislators in various States across the country and with Congress to develop legislation and pass laws that meet our mission to protect the children of this nation.
What Have We Done
We have worked with policy makers creating legislation like the Amber Alert, Family Abduction Prevention Act, and the Rights of Abducted Children Act. We have also created campaigns to stir up grassroot movements around passing the Amber Alert both State-by-State and in Congress called Amber Alert Now and with a focus to Stop Family Abductions Now, working on the passage of family abduction legislation, including the UCCJEA, and with the National Commission on Uniform State Laws, also known as the Uniform Law Commission.
What We Are Doing
The PKF continues to work on both State and National Legislation by providing ideas, reviewing and commenting on current bills, testifying before committees, and providing support or opposition letters as needed. Please contact us if you are working on legislation that will help find missing children and keep children safe from abduction.
Our Offer to You
If you are a lawmaker, or work for a lawmaker, who is developing legislation in our areas of expertise, we would like to offer you the following resources:
- Assist in the creation of legislation to protect children, including consideration of ideas and development, or review, of legislative language
- Work with staffers, committees, and lawmakers to introduce new legislation
- Help develop press releases, statements, and/or write opinion editorials
- Provide testimony at committee hearings
- Lobby for support of the bill, for co-sponsors, committee passage, full passage of the legislation, and Governor or Presidential support
Please contact us, using the form below or contact our office, if we can be of assistance to you.