Missing Children Database
Misty McGinn
Related Cases/Missing Siblings:
If you have information concerning this case, please contact:
Rice Police Department - (903) 326-4146
Rice Police Department - (903) 326-4146

Missing Since: April 19, 2020
Date of Birth: 11/16/2002
Sex: Female
Height: 5'2"
Eyes: Brown
Marks: Pierce ears, tattoo on left inside of forearm of an unfinished rose.
Missing from: Rice, Texas
Age of Disappearance: 17 years
Race: Caucasian
Weight: 160 lbs.
Hair: Reddish brown
Misty went missing from Rice, Texas on April 19, 2020. Her hair may be dyed a reddish pink and she wears glasses. Misty may be in need of medical attention. The picture on the right is an age progression to 19 years by NCMEC.
Abductor Information
Abductor Sex:
Abductor Height:
Abductor Eye Color:
Abductor DOB:
Abductor Race:
Abductor Weight:
Abductor Hair Color
If you have information concerning this case, please contact:
Rice Police Department - (903) 326-4146
Rice Police Department - (903) 326-4146
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