Legacy Circle Planned Giving


a Vehicle

by Mail


Legacy Circle
Planned Giving


Create a Legacy of Caring for Children & Keeping Them Safe

Since our founding in 1993, the Polly Klaas Foundation has been an anchor for families of missing children. Over the past 3 decades, we have helped to bring over 10,000 missing children home safely and provided Social Media Safety Education to thousands of middle-school students, ensuring their safety online and in the real world.  Rated one of America’s “Best Charities” for our most timely response to families in crisis when they call our 24-Hour Hotline. 

We are here for families when they need us most.

A Legacy Gift to the Polly Klaas Foundation ensures strong financial support for the future of child safety, ad our ability to assist families of missing children. Legacy Gifts supplement the Foundations’s annual resources in ways that have the greatest impact on families who rely on our programs and services.

Join the Legacy Circle

Donors who provide for the Polly Klaas Foundation through their planned gifts become part of the Foundation’s “Legacy Circle” in which members are celebrated with an annual luncheon and receive special updates from our subject matter experts on the state of child safety in our community and nation.
There are a variety of ways that anyone can support the Polly Klaas Foundation and achieve one’s philanthropic goals through a legacy gift including:

  • A bequest from one’s will or trust
  • IRA or other retirement funds
  • Stock, securities or properties
  • Charitable remainder trusts

Donors are advised to consult an attorney, financial advisors, or estate planning experts in the preparation of your plans and to supervise their execution to comply with standard requirements.  The Foundation can also refer donors to a qualified Panel of professionals who can advise on ways a planned gift can be made in accordance with the donor’s interests and local laws.

For more information, please contact: [email protected] or 707-769-1334 x104

 If you would like to join our Legacy Circle, please fill out the online form below, or print and mail the PDF form linked in the resources section below. 

Legacy Circle Letter of Intent

(If you wish to print and mail your letter, please see a PDF version of this form in the resources section below.)
Clear Signature
Clear Signature

Helpful Resources

Letter of Intent to Print and Mail


Click Here to Download the Letter of Intent for Emailing or Mailing




Click Here to Download this Information As A PDF


When making or revising a will or trust, you should obtain the assistance of an attorney. The Polly Klaas Foundation staff will be pleased to work with you and your attorney to design an estate plan specifically tailored to your wishes. The following are suggested forms for making various types of bequests to the Polly Klaas Foundation.

Outright Bequest in Will (Unrestricted)

The following provision in your will creates an unrestricted bequest, which assures that your gift will be invested and used according to our Gift Acceptance Policies. Unrestricted Bequests are automatically added to the Polly Klaas Foundation’s Board Unrestricted Reserve Funds.

  1. Specific dollar amount:
    “I bequeath the sum of $_____ to the Polly Klaas Foundation a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation having a principal place of business at 417 Western Avenue, Petaluma CA 94952 / PO Box 800 Petaluma CA 94953 Federal Tax ID #68-0314615 to be used or disposed of as the Polly Klaas Foundation in its sole discretion deems appropriate.”
  2. Percentage amount:
    “I bequeath ____% of my estate to the Polly Klaas Foundation, a 501 (c) (3)  nonprofit corporation having a principal place of business at 417 Western Avenue, Petaluma CA 94952 / MAIL PO Box 800 Petaluma CA 94953 Federal Tax ID #68-0314615 to be used or disposed of as the Polly Klaas Foundation in its sole discretion deems appropriate.”
  3. Share of or entire residue of estate:
    “I devise and bequeath (all)  or ____% of the remainder of the funds in my Estate to the Polly Klaas Foundation a 501 (c) (3)  nonprofit corporation having a principal place of business at 417 Western Avenue, Petaluma CA 94952 / MAIL PO Box 800 Petaluma CA 94953 Federal Tax ID #68-0314615 to be used or disposed of as the Polly Klaas Foundation, in its sole discretion deems appropriate.”

Conditional Bequest in Will

Insert the conditional language in one or more of the above provisions. For example:

“If my husband /wife does not survive me [or other condition], I bequeath the sum of $_____ (or ____%) to the Polly Klaas Foundation a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation having a principal place of business at 417 Western Avenue, Petaluma CA 94952 / MAIL PO Box 800 Petaluma CA 94953 Federal Tax ID #68-0314615 to be used or disposed of as the Polly Klaas Foundation in its sole discretion deems appropriate.”

Restricted Use

You may want to request that your gift be used for some special purpose within the scope of the Polly Klaas Foundation’s mission. You can restrict the use of the principal, income, or both in this fashion:

  • Help to Find Missing Children
  • Child Safety
  • The Polly Klaas Community Theater

“I bequeath the sum of $_____ or _____% to the Polly Klaas Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation having a principal place of business at 417 Western Avenue, Petaluma CA 94952 / MAIL PO Box 800 Petaluma CA 94953 Federal Tax ID #68-0314615 to be used for _________________________________________________.

If you designate your bequest for a specific purpose, we request that you include the following will provision to ensure that your gift will continue to provide for the Polly Klaas Foundation’s needs. For example:

“However, I impose no legal or equitable obligation in this regard.” Or, “If in the judgment of the Polly Klaas Foundation], it becomes or is likely to become impossible or impractical to accomplish the purposes of this gift, the income or principal, or both, may be used for such related purposes and in such manner as determined by the Polly Klaas Foundation

For more information, please contact Executive Director, Raine Howe at 707-769-1334 x 104 or [email protected].

We look forward to working with you to create your legacy at the Polly Klaas Foundation.



Template Instructions to Insurance Company

Click Here to Download the Template Instructions to Insurance Company



Your Name__________________________________________

Your Address_________________________________________

Your City State Zip_____________________________________

Your Phone Number____________________________________


Insurance Co. Name ____________________________________

Address ______________________________________________

City State Zip __________________________________________


Re:                   Policy # ____________________(your policy number)

Insured:           Your Name __________________________

Owner:            Name (the person or company that owns the policy)


Dear (Insurance Company),

I am writing to instruct you to make the following beneficiary change(s) to the above policy. I am now directing _______% of my insurance policy – OR – the set amount of $_________ be paid to the Polly Klaas Foundation:

Polly Klaas Foundation
a 501 (c) (3) Non-profit Corporation EIN#68-0314615
PO Box 800
Petaluma CA 94953

Please contact me (Policy Holder) at the address or phone number at the top of this form if you have any questions or need additional information.    Please send me a confirmation letter and, if necessary, any form required to make this change.

Thank you for your assistance,

Your Signature:_________________________________________

Your name printed:______________________________________


Second Policy Owner’s Signature (if applicable) ___________________________

Second Policy Owner’s Name printed ___________________________________

Thank you for thinking of the future of the Polly Klaas Foundation!

By including us in your will or trust, you are keeping kids safe for generations to come!
If after reviewing these materials, please let us know if you have any questions by contacting the Executive Director at 707-769-1334 or [email protected] 
We look forward to hearing from you!