Missing Children Database
Kaya Centeno aka Kaya Kazzee
Related Cases/Missing Siblings:
If you have information concerning this case, please contact:
Rohnert Park DPS - (707) 584-2600
Rohnert Park DPS - (707) 584-2600

Missing Since: 8-10 years
Date of Birth: 5/23/2002
Sex: Female
Height: Unknown
Eyes: Unknown/Brown
Marks: Unknown
Missing from: Rohnert Park, CA
Age of Disappearance: 8-10 years old
Race: White
Weight: Unknown
Hair: Unknown/Brown
The Rohnert Park Department of Public Safety is seeking information regarding the disappearance of KAYA CENTENO (adopted name) aka KAYA KAZZEE (birth name). The Rohnert Park DPS believes Kaya was last seen 8-10 years ago. The photo on the right is an age progression to 18 years by the NCMEC.
Abductor Information
Abductor Sex:
Abductor Height:
Abductor Eye Color:
Abductor DOB:
Abductor Race:
Abductor Weight:
Abductor Hair Color
If you have information concerning this case, please contact:
Rohnert Park DPS - (707) 584-2600
Rohnert Park DPS - (707) 584-2600
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