Missing Children Database
Andrew Amato
Related Cases/Missing Siblings:
If you have information concerning this case, please contact:
Officer Stokes at the Westwood Police Department (781) 320-1000
Officer Stokes at the Westwood Police Department (781) 320-1000

Missing Since: September 30, 1978
Date of Birth: 1974
Sex: Male
Missing from: Webster, Massachusetts
Age of Disappearance: 4 years
Race: Caucasian
Hair: Blondish
On September 30, 1978, Andrew Amato disappeared from a wooded area adjacent to the Ash Street Trailer Park in Webster, Massachusetts. Andrew had been playing with his six-year-old cousin and seven year old sister. Andrew and his cousin at one point started down a path which led to a deeper portion of woods. Andrew tripped and dropped a toy and refused to head back home without it. His cousin went to get help and told Andrew to stay where he was. Upon returning, Andrew was nowhere to be found. The path that Andrew and his cousin had been walking down leads out to what is now Interstate Highway 395 (Route 52 in 1974). Webster, Massachusetts is on the Connecticut border and only 10-15 minutes from Rhode Island.
Abductor Information
Abductor Sex:
Abductor Height:
Abductor Eye Color:
Abductor DOB:
Abductor Race:
Abductor Weight:
Abductor Hair Color
If you have information concerning this case, please contact:
Officer Stokes at the Westwood Police Department (781) 320-1000
Officer Stokes at the Westwood Police Department (781) 320-1000
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