Missing Children Database
Sarah Skiba
Related Cases/Missing Siblings:
Paul Skiba
Lorenzo Chivers
If you have information concerning this case, please contact:
Westminster Police Department - (303) 658-2400
Westminster Police Department - (303) 658-2400

Missing Since: February 7, 1999
Date of Birth: 7/27/89
Sex: Female
Height: 4'5"
Eyes: Hazel
Marks: Sarah has a red mark on the bridge of her nose.
Missing from: Morrison, Colorado
Age of Disappearance: 10 years
Race: Caucasian
Weight: 80 lbs.
Hair: Blonde, wavy to her shoulders
Sarah, Paul and Lorenzo were last seen in Morrison, CO at a moving job. It was originally believed that Paul had abducted Sarah and a warrant was issued for his arrest. Since that time, evidence has been found at Paul's place of business in Westminster, CO that leads investigators to believe that all three have been the victims of foul play. Their whereabouts are still unknown. Sarah's photo is show age progressed to 28 years by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Abductor Information
Abductor Sex:
Abductor Height:
Abductor Eye Color:
Abductor DOB:
Abductor Race:
Abductor Weight:
Abductor Hair Color
If you have information concerning this case, please contact:
Westminster Police Department - (303) 658-2400
Westminster Police Department - (303) 658-2400
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